Techs-on-Call Prices
Call us at
to schedule an appointment or e-mail us at
We come to your home at your convenience to work on your computer. Our usual availability is Monday through Friday during standard business hours.
We sometimes are available Saturday afternoon and after-hours. Techs-on-Call is closed on Sunday. We are open most holidays.
Please note: Techs-on-Call does not repair broken cell-phone or tablet screens.
Also note: We do not deliberately open or view any of your documents or pictures without your permission or unless it
is required to perform the work, such as verifying emails were transferred. However, if we happen to see anything illegal, such as child pornography,
then we must report this to the police.
PC Services:
Prices are effective January 1, 2025.
Standard labor is for all services except for those listed below. This includes most services, repairs, and one-on-one help or training.
The standard on-site labor rate is $80.00 per hour residential and commercial with a minimum of 1 hour. After the first hour, charges
are billed by the half-hour. Charges only begin when we arrive at your home or office or when remote support actually begins except for emergency
services. For emergency services in which other appointments must be cancelled or rescheduled, travel time is also billed at the standard labor rate.
A flat rate trip charge of $20.00 is applied to covered time and gasoline to travel to your home or office. This trip fee is not
applicable to emergency services because the trip fee is stanard hourly rate.
Techs-on-Call accepts cash, check, or credit card.
Techs-on-Call does not have a free diagnostic because we can perform a general diagnostic over the phone and give you an estimate of the cost.
Standard Prices
Standard Rate:
$80 per hour
Short services calls may be billed for just 1/2 hour; most will be billed by 1 hour minimum.
Trip Charges:
$20 per service call; may be waived or reduced at our discretion
Effective June 1, 2024, the trip fee will be $20 per trip.
Processing Fee:
$5 per $100; waived if paying by cash or check
Off-site fee:
$100 to $300
If a service will take a long, you may opt to let us pick up your computer. However, it may take several days to finish.
Laptop and All-in-One Repair Prices
Most laptop repairs are done on-site and thus subject to the normal standard rate. Some are non-standard. Below are
estimates of common laptop repairs. The estimate reflects the total cost, parts and labor.
Broken or cracked screen:
$180 to $350
Touchscreen repairs and all-in-one screens will be at the upper-end of the estimate. Standard non-touchscreen
laptops will be at the low end of the estimate.
Dark screen:
$100 to $120
If you can shine a flashlight on the screen and still see an image, this is the repair you need.
Damaged power adapter:
$90 to $200
If you broke the internal power adapter of the laptop, this is the repair you need. This is not a repair for
a damaged or lost external AC power adapter for your computer.
Broken case or hinge:
$100 and up
If your plastic case is damaged or broken, this is the repair you need. If the damage happened without a drop,
chances are good it is a defective design and a replacement will be very expensive.
New keyboard:
If your laptop keyboard is missing keys or not working or you spilled something on it and now it is sticky,
this is the repair you need.
Non-Standard Prices
Custom built computer:
Generally speaking, Techs-on-call does not build computers because our prices for computers are not cheaper.
However, if you have a special need then we can build you a computer. Examples of people with special needs are people who need 3 or
more monitors and gaming computers.
Laptop screen replacement:
$100 per laptop
The cost of the screen is extra. The section above gives an estimate on how much your final cost will be to
replace the laptop screen.
Recycle fee:
$5 per 30 pounds
This is used to cover our time and gasoline for taking used electronics to a proper recycling facility. A fee to
securely erase data on a hard drive is separate.
Secure erase old hard drive:
$30 per drive, minimum $60
This is used to cover our time to securely delete all files on your old hard drives.
Recover files:
$90 minimum, $180 maximum
Techs-on-Call has programs that can attempt to recover any file you may have accidently deleted, any hard drive
you accidently formatted, or any drive that is dying. This also includes any damage to the data on the hard drive, but does not
include damage to the physical hardware of the drive. This service has no guarantee of success. You will be charged whether
or not we were successful in recover the files. In most instances, we will be required to take the hard drive with us before attempting
to recover any data.
Hard drive repair:
If, however, your hard drive is physically damaged and you need to recover your files, we must send the hard
drive off to a special repair facility. See our
hard drive repair page for more details. Techs-on-Call
has partnered with DriveSavers and can offer you a discount on services. We also sometimes have a coupon. Still, you should expect to
pay no less than $1500 with the coupon and discount.
Backup service:
Everyone should have a backup. Call us and we will get the best backup solution for your needs.
Digitize your home movies:
$15 per tape, minimum $60
This service is off-site. We transfer your home movies to a DVD or Blu-Ray disc Movies will be stored on a
standard recordable DVD or Blu-Ray disc. There is an extra fee per disc to store pictures on an archive quality DVD that is designed
to last 100 years. There is also an extra fee to purchase a hard drive to store files. Movies stored on a hard drive can be played
on Android devices, iPhone 15 or later, newer iPad's, and most, but not all, of the new Blu-Ray players and smart TV's. We do not
recommend storing movies on a USB drive. You can purchase the discs or hard drives yourself. There is a fee for additional
copies. Included on the hard drive with a computer file you can use to make as many DVD's as you like.
Digitize your old pictures:
$5 per 50 pictures, minimum $40
This service is off-site. If you pictures are in an album, the price is double. Please make sure your old
pictures are not loose for easy transport. Pictures are stored on a standard quality CD or DVD for free. There is an extra fee per disc
to store pictures on an archive quality DVD that is designed to last 100 years. There is also an extra fee to purchase a hard drive to
store files. We do not recommend storing pictures on a USB drive. You can purchase the discs or hard drives yourself.
See the estimated costs per disc in the section below. There is a fee for additional copies.
Photo Scanning Media Cost Estimates
Standard DVD:
Free for the first set
Approximately 4,500 pictures. These discs are subject to degradation and you should make backup copies.
Archive DVD:
$5 per disc
Approximately 4,500 pictures. These discs have are rated for 100 years of storage. You should still make a backup copy.
Large DVD:
$2 per disc
Approximately 8,100 pictures. These discs are subject to degredation and you should make backup copies.
Standard Blu-Ray Disc:
$3 per disc
Approximately 24,000 pictures, or 5 DVD's. These discs are subject to degredation and you should make backup copies.
Archive Blu-Ray Disc:
$6 per disc
Approximately 24,000 pictures, or 5 DVD's. These discs have are rated for 100 years of storage. You should still make a backup copy.
Archive Large Blu-Ray Disc:
$10 per disc
Approximately 48,000 pictures, or 10 DVD's. These discs have are rated for 100 years of storage. You should still make a backup copy.
Archive Extra Large Blu-Ray Disc:
$20 per disc
Approximately 96,000 pictures, or 20 DVD's. These discs have are rated for 100 years of storage. You should still make a backup copy.
Please note that many Blu-Ray players are incompatible with these discs.
Costs for computer hardware is not included. To help keep our costs low, we only keep parts that commonly fail on hand
and most are ordered as needed. The price of hardware is always changing, so we do not know the final prices until we need the parts. We can get
parts at better prices if you are willing to wait 2 to 5 days. Or, we can buy the parts retail and fix the problem the same or next day. Some
parts cannot be purchased retail and must be ordered. All hardware costs have a small markup to cover our time to research and order the part.
Techs-on-Call does not sell parts to the general public. This is required to avoid charging sales tax on our labor.
All parts are sold as part of a service and are bought retail or ordered online as needed. Sometimes we will have used computers to sell,
but not often.
Please note: A non-refundable deposit may be required before any parts will be ordered. The deposit is 50%
of the billed cost of the part or the full cost of the part if it is less than $50.
Costs for computer software is not included. If you like, we can purchase any program your like. We might also be able
to get software at better prices too if you are willing to wait 2 or 5 days. Or we can buy the software retail. All software costs have a small
markup to cover our time to research and order the software. Techs-on-Call does not install any software which you do not have a valid and legal
license for.
Only labor is guaranteed. We try to buy name-brand products. If something goes bad we have to send it in to the manufacture
for warranty. Call us and we'll gladly send the product in for warranty and get you back up and running as soon as possible. After 90 days,
we charge only for labor to cover warranty replacement. Be sure to see our Service Policies.
Unclaimed Property:
Any unclaimed property becomes the property of Techs-on-Call after 6 months. Because Techs-on-Call does perform work where
we pick up your computer, we may have some of your property in our possession for a time. Techs-on-Call will make an effort to return your
property to you. However, if after 6 months you do not claim your property, it will become property of Techs-on-Call. Your personal
information on a computer that is unclaimed will be securely deleted. The property will be sold to recoup our labor costs.
Prices subject to change. Last updated price: January 1, 2025.